EP155:Mark Boone Junior/Sons Of Anarchy

On this Episode of LET THERE BE TALK my Guest is the great actor Mark Boone Junior.

You may know Boone from the hit TV series Sons Of Anarchy or many other projects he has worked on including Batman Begins,Memento and my favorite Trees Lounge.

Do not miss this episode!

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Direct download: boone_pod_final_2.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 1:25am PST

EP154:Dean Delray and Christian Spicer "B*tchin" #9

Special bonus episode with Dean and Christian live in the ALL THINGS COMEDY STUDIOS taking phone calls from the world.
This is the 9th edition of "B*TCHIN" On LET THERE BE TALK

Recorded Mar 25th 2015 live

Call in every Thursday or watch the live stream 12pm Pacific   (323) 282-7424

Call in and B*TCH

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Direct download: bitchin_9.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 11:47pm PST

EP153: Jamie Stillman/ Owner of EarthQuaker Devices

On this Episode of Let There Be Talk my guest Jamie Stillman talks about how he went from being a Tour Manager for the Black Keys to a successful business man in the competitive world of guitar effects pedals aka STOMP BOXES

This episode is not just about guitar effect pedals its really about a man in his 30's starting a small business and killing it.

Jamie Stillman of EarthQuaker Devices
Jamie Stillman of EarthQuaker Devices
Direct download: earthquaker_final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 1:15am PST

EP152:Dean Delray and Christian Spicer "B*tchin" #8

Special bonus episode with Dean and Christian live in the ALL THINGS COMEDY STUDIOS taking phone calls from the world.
This is the 8th edition of "B*TCHIN" On LET THERE BE TALK

Recorded Mar 19th 2015 live

Call in every Thursday or watch the live stream 12pm Pacific   (323) 282-7424

Call in and B*TCH

Brought 2 you by the best guitar pedals in the biz

Direct download: bitchin_8_final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 2:21pm PST

EP151:Brendon Small/ Metalocalypse/Baked Comedy & Music Show

On this Episode of LET THERE BE TALK Brendon Small creator of Metalocalypse 

and the Baked Comedy & Music Show stops by and talks Rock, Metal and Stand Up Comedy with Dean.

Do Not Miss This Episode!

brought 2 you by

Direct download: brandan_small_final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 1:48am PST

EP150:Jeff Decker/Sculptor,Historian,Biker,Friend

On this Episode i have Jeff Decker who is known for his bronze sculptures, the most notable of which is titled "By the Horns" (also known as The Hill Climber), a 16-foot-tall, 5,000-pound bronze located on the grounds of the Harley Davidson Museum. His bronze-cast sculptures depicting the synergy of man and modern machines, particularly historic motorcycles, is known in both the motorcycling community and the world of fine art. As of 2009, Decker was Harley-Davidson's official sculptor.

i posted this description that was in WIKIPEDIA but 2 me Jeff Decker is by far the coolest American i know.

The ultimate Artist ,Biker, Vintage Clothing collector and all around great friend.

I can’t tell you how happy i am 2 have this man on episode 150 of Let There Be Talk

Enjoy the ride people.

Brought 2 you by SCHOTTNYC.COM

Direct download: decker_final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 3:56pm PST

EP149: Dean Delray and Christian Spicer "B*tchin" #7

On this bonus Episode Christian is out of town so Comedian Jeremiah Watkins

steps in 2 co-host with Dean as they take phone calls from around the world

while also talking about what its like to be a new comedian in Los Angeles

Recorded March 5th 2015 live

Call in every Thursday or watch the live stream 12pm Pacific   (323) 282-7424

Call in and B*TCH

Direct download: bitchin_7_final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 4:07pm PST

EP148:Jay Mohr/Comedian, Actor

On this episode of LET THERE BE TALK Jay Mohr stops by and talks about his

29 years in Stand Up Comedy, Working with Tom Cruise in the hit film Jerry Maguire and what his SNL audition was like.

Tune in now!


Direct download: jay_mohr_final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 6:38pm PST