Today will be another Handmade Edition of LET THERE BE TALK with 2 guest. First up is Troy Kudlac owner of Kud Properties and Real Estate Developer in the Joshua Tree,Palm Desert and Palm Springs area.

2nd Guest is Andy Canada owner of  General Contractor, This man has been building some next level homes in the Joshua Tree area.

I have always been obsessed with amazing architecture especially the homes in the Palm Springs area. Palm Springs and the surrounding area is a gold mine of incredible homes.

Over the last few years Troy and Andy have been building some of the best new homes I have ever seen out in the desert.

Tune in and hear these guys stories. 

Also visit there websites and instagrams for an idea of what we are talking about. 

Troy with his new Eichler homes in Palm Springs 

And Andy's masterpiece called ON THE ROCKS in Joshua Tree. 

This episode is brought to you by CBD LION. Use the code DEAN for 20% off all your orders. here is the link


Direct download: ANDY_AND_TROY_FINAL_MIX.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 10:23pm PST

Today my good friend Brian The Boot Maker returns to talk about the 10 year anniversary of Role Club the greatest Handmade Boots Made in America.

Brian is one of my favorite humans that I have ever met in Los Angeles and I could talk to him for hours about anything and thats just what I did today. We talked about his 10 years of making boots, our love of Trucks, Real Estate and or course Comedy.

Tune in and enjoy this Handmade Episode.

Keep The Candles Lit.


Direct download: Brian_the_bootmaker_2nd_time_Final_Mix.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 9:52pm PST

Today I sit down with the King of the 4x4 world Mr Jonathan Ward owner of Icon.

To say this is a handmade episode is an understatement. Jonathan builds the most insane Trucks and Cars I have ever seen.

Jonathan's first career was in the acting game. This man worked on Broadway then moved to California for TV and Film work. 

After years of success he realized he wasn't happy in the acting world and decided to leave it all behind for his true passion restoring Toyota Land Cruiser's and Ford Bronco's.

Icon is hands down the best in the world and that is the truth.

Tune in and hear this Handmade Episode and also follow him on Instagram @icon4x4 

This episode is brought to you by my fantastic sponsor CBD LION use the code DEAN for 20% off all orders. Click on the link and start saving now.

Direct download: Icon_Final_Mix.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:22am PST

Today will be a Handmade episode with the owners of the greatest Taco Shops in Los Angeles, Victor Manuel Delgado III and Jorge Alvarez of TACOS 1986.

These guys story is incredible. Sit down and hear the passion of these 2 men and how they started their very successful Business.

I would say Tacos are probably the greatest food every created and Victor and Jorge are the Kings of Authentic Tijuana style Tacos. Do yourself a favor and visit TACOS 1986 in Los Angeles and absolutely lose you mind.

Enjoy this Handmade episode and remember to KEEP THE CANDLES LIT.

I love you guys



Direct download: Tacos_1986_final_mix.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 11:56am PST

Back in the mid 90's a couple of records came out that absolutely blew my mind. Part Time Goes Full and Shoot Out by one of my favorite bands The Mother Hips.

They were both on Rick Rubin's label American Records and at some point went out of Print meaning you could not buy them or even Stream them. But now that has all changed as of last week they are available to stream everywhere.

Today I sit down with Tim and talk about those early days and the recording and writing process of those 2 masterpieces.

This episode is brought to you by Keep.

See you hair by using Keeps Click on the link for a FREE offer.  

Direct download: Tim_Hips_Return_final_mix.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 5:42pm PST