Today I sit down with Tyler Wells owner of my favorite restaurant in Los Angeles "All-Time"  for another Handmade edition of LET THERE BE TALK.

Tyler has been a Porsche Mechanic, Bike Messenger company owner and Coffee Shop Owner before landing on his true love of life Restaurant owner.

Tyler and his wife Ashley have built from the ground up of one of the greatest spots in LA ever.

I always wanted to know how the Restaurant world works and what it takes and Tyler was the perfect guest.

This man and his wife have pure passion for ever detail of their Restaurant and it was an honor to sit down with him.

During these incredibly hard time we must all try and support small businesses. 

Keep The Candles Lit.

This episode is brought to you by CBD LION use the code Dean and get 20% off all items now. 


Direct download: All_Time_Final_Mix.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:53pm PST

A few months ago I had on my friend Ed Shines and we dug way into the Art of Auto Detailing. During that episode we talked about Paint Protection and Car Wrapping which gave me the idea to seek out one of the best in the business.

After some research I found Tyler O'Hara owner of American Wrap Company.

Tyler is considered one of the top Auto Wrap and Paint Protection specialist in the world.

Tyler and I sit down today for a long in-depth conversation about Auto Wrapping and Window Tinting.

This is a fantastic Handmade episode brought to you by Mandscaped. Keep that package nice and trim with the Lawn Mower 3.0 Get 20% of when you use the code Delray. Click on the link 

Direct download: Tyler_OHara_American_Wrap_final_mix.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 11:34pm PST

Today my good friend Alison Mosshart returns to the show and talks about her brand new music, Her Paintings, Cars and the future of Touring.

Alison has so much great stuff going on and it was an honor to have her back on the show for my first Zoom recording. 

Her new single It Ain't Water is out on May 13th and a new video comes with it that she directed.

Alison also talks about her amazing Paintings and a new Spoken word record.

This episode is brought to you by my fantastic sponsor CBD LION the best source for clean CBD use the link and get 20% off when you use the code Dean

Direct download: Alison_Mosshart_2nd_visit_final_mix.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 8:20pm PST

Today on another episode of Let There Be Talk I sit down with Actor/Musician Balthazar Getty and we go all over the board.

At 13 years old Balt was cast as the lead in the film Lord Of The Flies and has not stopped working ever since. He's worked with David Lynch in Lost Highway and most recently the new Twin Peaks on Netflix.

Balt is also a musician and is a member of the band Ringside as well as a DJ who has been traveling the word for the last few years spinning everywhere. 

This is a fantastic episode that I know you guys are gonna dig.

Stay Safe and Keep the Candles Lit.

Direct download: Balt_Getty_final_mix_2.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 11:49pm PST