#315: Joey CoCo Diaz

On today's episode of LET THERE BE TALK my Rock n Roll brother Joey CoCo Diaz stops by and talks about his 25 years in the Stand Up Comedy game.

2 weeks ago Joey had his first 1 Hour comedy special come out on Seeso and today he tells the stories of what it took over the years to get to that magic day.

you can watch Joeys special on Seeso right now.

Use the code word Joey when signing up for 2 months free 


Direct download: joey_diaz_final_mix.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

#314:The art of Bombing on Stage/Journey gets into the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame

On today's episode of LET THERE BE TALK i talk about joining Gym with out getting scammed,Bombing on stage and Journey getting into the ROCK N ROLL HALL OF FAME.

Happy Holidays you DELRAISERS

Candles Lit!

Direct download: solo_me_journey.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 3:29pm PST

#313: Chuck Prophet/Singer-Songwriter,Guitarist

On today's episode of LET THERE BE TALK my old friend Chuck Prophet stops by and talks about his life in the game of Rock n Roll.

Chuck has been making records and touring the world his entire life and has always been one of my favorites.

We sit down in San Francisco and have a conversation about Music, Art, Comedy and Real Estate.

Make sure you check out all of Chucks music on iTunes.




Direct download: chuck_prophet_final_mix.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 11:16pm PST

#312:Chris Goss/Masters of Reality/Queens of The Stone Age/Desert Rock

On today's episode of LET THERE BE TALK my good friend Mr Chris Goss returns to the show and talks about his days back in NYC.

Chris is the absolute King of Desrt Rock and has been making music his whole life and on this episode he talks about the early years of his music career in NYC.

Chris has also produced some of my all time favorite records by bands such as QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE,KYUSS,and Mark Lanegan

Tune in and dont forget 2 leave a review and subscribe 

Direct download: chris_goss_final_2016.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 8:55pm PST

#311:Tor Caracappa/Director of Creative Services for John Varvatos

On today's episode of LET THERE BE TALK. After coming close to signing a record deal with Capitol Records with his band "JOKER 5 SPEED" Tor Caracappa moved on to another form of ROCK N ROLL working as Director of Creative Services for John Varvatos.

John Varvatos is known for some of the best Rock N Roll clothing in the world and a favorite among Rock Stars like Jimmy Page,Sammy Hagar and Steven Tyler 


Direct download: tor_final_mix.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 1:34pm PST

#310: 7 Years Ago Today

On today's episode of LET THERE BE TALK i look back on this day Dec 6th and realize it was 7 years ago today that i started Stand Up Comedy.

This is just a little thank you to all of you.


Direct download: 7_yEAR_FINAL.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:26pm PST

#309:Brody Stevens/Push & Believe

On today's episode of LET THERE BE TALK my good friend Brody Stevens returns to the Podcast to talk about Stand Up Comedy,The Cubs winning the World Series and Life in The Valley. 

Brody is one of my favorite guest i've ever had on the show and just a all around great friend. Tune in and enjoy this very honest conversation.

Push & Believe/Candles Lit

Direct download: brody_final_mix_2016.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 11:06pm PST