#308:Bruce Kulick/Kiss,Grand Funk Railroad,Meat Loaf

On today's episode of LET THERE BE TALK the guitar god Bruce Kulick stops by and talks about his days in Kiss,Meat Loaf and Billy Squier.

Bruce has been playing guitar professionally his whole life including the last 17 years as the guitarist for GRAND FUNK RAILROAD.

Dont forget to leave a review and subscribe to LET THERE BE TALK on iTunes 

Direct download: bruce_kulick_fixed_final_mix.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 4:50pm PST

#307: I Talk about Metallica/LA Auto Show

On today's episode of LET THERE BE TALK i talk about Metallica's new record and the LA Auto show.

Metalllica in my eyes is one of the greatest bands of all time.

Tune in and hear my thoughts on the new record and then

go out and BUY their new record.


Direct download: thanksgiving_metalllica_final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 11:24am PST

#306:Bobby Seeger/Indian Larry Motorcycles "HANDMADE"

On today's episode of LET THERE BE TALK my guest is Bobby Seeger owner of the great Indian Larry Motorcycle shop in Brooklyn.

This is a Handmade episode not 2 be missed.

Bobby and I talk about the history of The Indian Larry Motorcycle shop and how he got involved.

Bobby also explains how the bikes are built and how you can get your hands on one of these Amazing Machines.

I recorded this episode right in the shop in Brooklyn and it was an amazing experience. I recommend every go visit the shop when you are visiting NYC.

Direct download: bobby_seeger_final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 1:17pm PST

#305: Michael Devin and I talk Temple of the Dog

On today's episode of LET THERE BE TALK my good friend Michael Devin stops by 2 talk about our love of the TEMPLE OF THE DOG record and recent concert.

This is a full blown music episode celebrating the music of Andrew Wood of Mother Love Bone.


Direct download: michael_devin_temple_of_the_dog.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 1:55pm PST

#304:Alex Kane/Former Guitarist of the band Life Sex & Death

On todays episode of LET THERE BE TALK my guest is Alex Kane former Guitarist of the band LIFE SEX & DEATH.

If you never heard of the band LIFE SEX & DEATH do your self a favor and hit iTunes asap.

This band was signed in the early 90's and put out a record called The Silent Majority that is absolutely smoking.

Their front man Stanley was next level and the songs crushed. 

Alex is currently playing guitar in SHARK ISLAND and Little Caesar so make sure you catch him touring around America and follow him on Facebook. 

Direct download: alex_kane_final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:03pm PST

#303:Dr Alan Rosenbach/Dermatologist

On todays episode of LET THERE BE TALK my Dermatologist Dr Alan Rosenbach stops by and gives me a lesson in skin.

Alan is an expert in the diagnosis of skin cancer using a technique called digital dermoscopy, which aids in diagnosing melanoma in its earliest stages.

He is also a Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology at the University of Southern California's Keck School of Medicine. His research and practice interests include laser surgery and cosmetic dermatology.

Alan is also a huge Music fan and saw all the great punk bands back in the day so yea he is a cool Doctor

Do not miss this episode it may save your life.

Direct download: Dr_Alan_Rosenbach_skin_dr.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 8:45am PST

#302:Keith Nelson/Buckcherry

On todays episode of LET THERE BE TALK my guest is Keith Nelson Guitarist/Songwriter for the great Rock n Roll band Buckcherry.

Keith stops by and talks about the history of Buckcherry and all things Rock n Roll.

Buckcherry was formed in 1995 and quickly became a huge buzz band in Los Angeles.

These guys have some amazing songs like LIT UP, AT THE MOVIES,FRONTSIDE,RIDING and CRAZY BITCH that get played on the radio every day.

Do not miss this episode 

Direct download: keith_nelson_final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 11:36am PST

#301:Aaron Draplin/Graphic Designer, Author and founder of Draplin Design Co.

On todays episode of LET THERE BE TALK my friend Aaron Draplin stops by and talks about how he got his start in the Graphic Design world.

Aaron Draplin is a graphic designer, author and founder of Draplin Design Co. and has worked will the likes of Nike, Burton Snowboards, Esquire, Red Wing, Field Notes, Ford Motor Company and the Obama Administration. His book, Pretty Much Everything, is a mid-career survey of his work including case studies and advice which was released in May 2016.

Aaron has also worked with some of the biggest Comedians and Rock n Roll bands in the world. 

Do not miss this "Handmade Edition" of LET THERE BE TALK  

Direct download: Draplin_final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 10:54am PST

#300:Blaine Halvorson/Rock n Roll T-Shirts "HANDMADE"

On todays episode of LET THERE BE TALK my guest is artist,craftsman and fashion designer Mr Blaine Halvorson.

Blaine is the owner of one of the coolest companies ever "MADEWORN"

MADEWORN makes some of the best ROCK N ROLL CONCERT T-SHIRTS I've ever seen in my life.

Blaine also makes LEATHER JACKETS,BOOTS,DENIM and many other things all by Hand.

This guy is the definition of HANDMADE.

Do not miss this epic episode.


Direct download: madeworn_final_mix.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 11:55pm PST